Monday, 12 November 2012

Y'know ~

Of late, Facebook has been doing my head in...there's been about two or three people on there that I seriously need to rethink (well, actually it's a no-brainer) my friendship with, who are ALL TAKE AND NO GIVE. And frankly, I'm sick of providing them with a forum for doing it. Alas, in best ball-less style, one I can't tell because at heart they're a nice person and I don't want to hurt them, and the other one...actually I don't know why I've been putting up with their selfish, demanding, pissy temper fits. So anyway, in best passive-aggressive style, instead of deleting them, I'm planning to remove myself for a bit.

Someone else, very ace (well actually her and TS, 'cause he said the same thing) suggested that I stay off it and concentrate on making stuff or doing things I enjoy...instead of just having my evening time sucked away. So let's hope I can reconnect with the me that does stuff again. (By the way, "doing stuff" included blogging.)

Worth a shot anyway.

 Random fact about me : I HATE 'GLEE'. Goddamn.

The good thing...

...about having a blog that no-one but me reads is that I can be as self-indulgent as I like. So here's a pic of Amanda Palmer. Yeah.
(I can't find the source of this one though. Anyone knows, please let me know and I'll credit.)

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Lest we purr-get

11/11. Yes. Lest we forget.
I have no profound words to add, other than I value and will never forget the sacrifices made by those who fought in every war, to preserve the freedoms we take for granted today.

"Accepting her fate as an orphan of war, 'Miss Hap' a two-week old Korean kitten chows down on canned milk, piped to her by medicine dropper with the help of Marine Sergeant Frank Praytor ... The Marine adopted the kitten after its mother was killed by a mortar barrage near Bunker Hill. The name, Miss Hap, Sergeant Praytor explained, was given to the kitten 'because she was born at the wrong place at the wrong time'." Korea, ca 1953

"After the smoke of battle had cleared on Betio Island, Tarawa, this tiny kitten crept out from beneath a wrecked Japanese tank, to receive a drink from a U.S. Marine." Tawara Invasion, November 1943


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

More want

Found a link to this Etsy seller through one of my favourite blogs. I really want a copy of this print.
'Book of Poems' by Anna Magruder.


...not me, these guys.
Black and white negative of a horse team moving a house from Creswick through Allendale, in Victoria about 1905 or 1909. Goldmining at Creswick was declining and there was less demand for houses in the area, hence the house was being moved. Jim Dempsey is driving the horse teams. Jack Dempsey is at right. Jim Mills is on the pony, Ginger. Jack Dempsey drove horses for the the Mills, and it is likely that the house removal company managing the move in this case was Mills. Source

Sunday, 4 November 2012


So I was looking at Urban Outfitters' page...I've never bought anything from there before, but they were offering free shipping to Australia if you spent more than $50, so I thought I'd give it a go. I ended up ordering a shelf and picture frames. Shelf - that blue is my favourite colour:
What I really wanted is this ~ a cushion for our new charcoal coloured couch:
and this ~ the most perfect lamp for behind said couch:
But they don't ship these things to Australia. How vexing. Now I'm off to trawl ebay and the local interwebs in search of a lamp that satisfies.